Happy beginning of June!
This month one of my goals was to de-clutter and since I am rather a skincare and makeup hoarder… (naughty GG, bad GG, *slaps self on wrist*)… I decided to start there!
My aim is simple; use up as many products as possible by the end of the month…or 20 products, whichever comes first.
The result; have a beautiful, clear space. Also, a more tangible idea of a) what I actually use regularly b) what I actually value/need rather than ‘want’.
So, the first to bite the dust was this Tropical Coconut body scrub by Super Beauty:
This body scrub really falls into the cheep and cheerful category, when I bought it it was £4.99 for 200ml and has lasted me quite few months. The scent was pleasantly tropical, but did not particularly smell of coconut. Also the consistency was more like a shower gel with little beads, (which I hope were pumice stone), rather than the thick sugar scrubs you can get.
Where it really excels is when you are using it daily; because it’s a light scrub it doesn’t irritate the skin so can be used about 3-4 times a week if that’s your thing. I did find that I had to use it a couple of day s in a row to feel that ‘silky silky’ skin that I like. Personally I’d rather use a heavy duty one once a week, but whatever works for you. It was fun, I’m glad I tried it, but would not repurchase.
In a nutshell that is all folks!
Hopefully I should have twenty more little reviews to share with you before the month is out! Do let me know what you think of this one and if you like them being short and sweet.
I hope you have a wonderful week.

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