Category: Find your happy; create your centre

Find your happy; create your centre

Words on Exercise and Weight loss

So, how have your January’s been?…any resolutions? Although I think January is probably the worst month for any sort of dieting, weight loss or exercise (being long and cold), the odds are that we are all probably thinking about it. I of course, put on about 5 pounds over the holidays. Really it was my number one priority to loose it so I could start feeling healthier and more myself.Continue reading

Find your happy; create your centre

Let in the Light- Visualisation Technique

Normally I love September. We have a few perfect golden days at the beginning, then towards the end you start getting that cosy rosy-cheeked feeling.  Is it just me or are the thoughts of cashmere, silk scarves, glowing candles, (and no sunbathing guilt) so exciting? Not to mention all the designer fall lines coming out. Today though, I found myself feeling completely miserable. Oh how those little niggling things weighContinue reading

Find your happy; create your centre

10 Important Life Lessons- learnt while trying to make my website

So for the last month I’ve been working on the very website you see before you now, just trying to get it to look, ‘read’ and behave how I would like. Honestly it’s been a very steep learning curve! it was the little things that I got stuck on; even though I feel like creating a simple website in this day and age should be easy, it took  me aContinue reading

Find your happy; create your centre, Home

First thing’s first: let’s have a cuppa

‘Where there is light there is shadow ‘- someone very clever once said. Hello. I’m G, nice to meet you. Before I get completely carried away, and start tapping on this keyboard in full abandon and lauding everything that makes me happy and makes life worth living, I did want to note down a couple of brain bumbles; let’s bring on the bullet points! I am not actually naturally aContinue reading

Find your happy; create your centre

In The Beginning

In the beginning there was G. She created Bright Beautiful World because of the significant lack of both in her world. (She also held one firm conviction; why use one word when you could use ten) Her life had become rather draining, muddy and very dim.  Certainly being a ‘grown up’ didn’t seem to be agreeing with her at all and she desperately needed to create something or somewhere thatContinue reading