Bright Beautiful World Podcast

Hello and good evening everyone!

After much fiddling about with my website I think I have finally found a simple way of sharing a project I’ve been working on for the last couple of months, so I am incredibly excited!!! (please excuse the inundation of punctuation).


Since July 2017 I’ve been working on my own pod cast series on a wonderful new App called Anchor. It’s really  fast and easy to use but I’ve been struggling with how to share it with you; as you may have guessed I am not the most tech savvy person out there.

Of course you can always join in the fun by joining Anchor, or you can find it on the Itunes Podcast, however, for your convenience, just click the play button bellow and it will start playing the ‘live’ segments (like Instagram stories they expire after 24 hours).

I do also have ‘Episodes’ (permanent podcast episodes) that I’m trying to work out how to best share with you, but if you do have the I tunes Podcast you can find them there– just search for Bright Beautiful World.

Thank you so much for visiting my corner of the internet and I really hope you have a lovely day.


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