Tag: goals

Beauty, Body, Empties

Tropical Coconut Body Scrub- Super Beauty

Happy beginning of June! This month one of my goals was to de-clutter and since I am rather a skincare and makeup hoarder… (naughty GG,  bad GG, *slaps self on wrist*)… I decided to start there! My aim is simple; use up as many products as possible by the end of the month…or 20 products, whichever comes first. The result; have a beautiful, clear space. Also, a more tangible ideaContinue reading

Find your happy; create your centre

10 Important Life Lessons- learnt while trying to make my website

So for the last month I’ve been working on the very website you see before you now, just trying to get it to look, ‘read’ and behave how I would like. Honestly it’s been a very steep learning curve! it was the little things that I got stuck on; even though I feel like creating a simple website in this day and age should be easy, it took  me aContinue reading